for CDM project ideas - Closed
Results of NSS call
for PINs
for PIN
TERI has been assigned
the National Strategy Study (NSS): Implementation of CDM in India by the
World Bank. One of the major tasks of the NSS is to develop select project
design documents (PDD) for CDM projects. We solicit project ideas from
various project proponents in the country. The general instructions for
submission of PIN and the PIN format/template can be downloaded from this
webpage. The deadline for submission of the project information
note (PIN) is 20th November 2003. Submission of a soft
copy of the PIN is compulsory. Kindly share
the enclosed PIN format with other likely proponents to enable us to reach
out to a larger community for better participation in this national consultation
General instructions
and selection process
are invited from the interested project proponents, consultants, financial
institutions and other stakeholders for shortlisting, for development
of a Project Design Document.
The format for submitting the PIN is attached with this instruction sheet.
submission of PINs is a must. PINs can be sent to and/or
submission of the PINs as hard copies are welcome, addressed to Mr N Yuvaraj
Dinesh Babu or Mr Dinesh Aggrawal, TERI, Darbari Seth Block, India Habitat
Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110 003. Phone 011 24682100/24682111
fax : 011 24682144. Clarifications before submission of PINs are also
The deadline
for submission of PINs is 20th November 2003.
For more
information/clarifications on PINs submitted to NSS, TERI will establish
Select PINs
will be developed as Project Design Documents (PDD)
PINs selected
for further development as PDDs will be announced during the first week
of January 2004
A Memorandum
of Understanding will be signed between TERI and the shortlisted stakeholders
for developing the PDD
The entire
process of analysing PINs and developing PDDs does not involve any financial
obligation by the project proponent. In other words, TERI-NSS will bear
the expense of developing PDDs for the shortlisted PINs
will not bear any other expenses viz., endorsement, validation, registration
of PDDs
will only provide guidance for the endorsement and validation of PDDs
will facilitate review of PDDs by select buyers including World Bank Carbon
Fund facilities (not mandatory). The project proponents are however free
to approach and negotiate with any CER buyer offering attractive terms
and conditions
of size and quality expected of a PIN
Basically a PIN will consist of approximately 5 pages providing indicative
information on:
the type
and size of the project
its location
the anticipated
total amount of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reduction compared to the ‘business-as-usual’
scenario (which will be elaborated later in the PDD, while describing
the baseline)
the suggested
crediting life time
the suggested
Certified Emission Reductions (CER) price in US$/tonne CO2 eq reduced
the financial
structuring (indicating which parties are expected to provide the project’s
the project’s
socio-economic or environmental impacts/benefits
While every
effort should be made to provide as complete and extensive information
as possible, it is recognised that full information on every item listed
in the template may not be available for each project.