Taking Stock of India's Implementation Readiness

05 Mar 2024 05 Mar 2024

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), in collaboration with Climate Transparency and Berlin Governance Platform, conducted a study specific to India titled "Achieving Non-Fossil Target of India - Evolution of the Ecosystem." This study utilized Climate Transparency's Climate Policy Implementation Check tool designed to assess and classify the implementation progress of policy initiatives across four dimensions: legal status, institutions and governance, resourcing, and oversight. In this assessment, three policy interventions, namely the National Solar Mission, Green Hydrogen Mission, and Domestic Carbon Market were appraised, and based on the evaluation, the combined ambition rating for India’s framework to attain its non-fossil energy targets was determined as ‘high’.

This event will take the assessment report as an entry point to an engaging in-person panel discussion featuring esteemed experts from different stakeholder constituencies. The discussion aims to glean insights into their perspectives on how India’s is placed in terms of policy ecosystem in preparation towards its journey on the path to net-zero emission economy.

Carbon market
Hydrogen economy
Solar energy