ISNPMP 2016 Chemistry From Nature
2nd International Symposium on
New Processes & Applications for Plant
& Microbial Products
1-2 March, 2016, IHC, New Delhi
About ISNPMP 2016
In his quest for finding solutions to all his needs and problems related to health, medicine, nutrition, and environment, man has always looked up to nature and its products. In this quest of mankind, plant biology has always been of immense importance and has enjoyed an intimate relationship with medicine and other biological sciences for centuries. Increasing scientific specialization and dramatic advancements made in the field of medical and chemical sciences during this century have made people think that plant biology and plant biotechnology are important only in relation to agricultural sciences. However, this is not true. Today, plant biotechnology is being used in new and creative ways to produce therapeutic products for medicine and plastics as well as for new disease-and stress-resistant crops for agriculture, especially in the field of pest management and neutraceuticals and in plenty other arenas too. Another Natural Sciences field which is emerging rapidly is bio prospecting of the microbes for medical, agricultural, pesticidal, nutraceutical, and many other uses.
Keeping in view the above scenario, 2nd International Symposium on ‘New Processes And Applications for Plant and Microbial Products’ (ISNPMP-2016) is being organised by TERI, India and CSIC, Spain to bring together scientists and students from academia, research institutions, industry and government to deliberate on the basic and applied aspects of research on natural products from plants and microbes. This symposium is second in series being organized after 4 years. Last Symposium was organized in 2012 as ISNPMP 2012 at India Habitat Center, New Delhi. The proceedings of ISNPMP 2012 were published as special issue in Springer Journal “Phytochemistry Reviews” having Impact Factor of 3.5. The emphasis of this conference will be on presentations and discussions of fundamental and applied research and various aspects of plants and microbial products including plant based drugs, biopesticides. The conference will also focus on biotechnological approaches for metabolite production; new approaches and processes for natural products role and importance of comprehensive extraction with different solvents; analysis of different types of macromolecules and secondary metabolites of plant and microbial origin; discovery, development, safety and quality control; raw material supply; and proper use of natural products.
This symposium will also provide a good platform for interaction between academia and industries of international level. It will play a key role in integrating basic research with applied avenues of plant- and microbe-based products.
Products from plants and microbes
Biotechnological approaches for metabolite production
New approaches and processes for natural products
Raw material supply and quality control
Regulatory and policy issues
Distinguished Speakers

Dr S Natesh
Former Senior Advisor & Head,
International Collaboration
DBT, India

Dr Azucena González-Coloma
Scientific Investigator
ICA, CSIC, Spain

Dr R. Vishwakarma
CSIR - Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine, India

Dr Pierluigi Caboni
Assistant professor
University of Cagliari, Italy

Dr Dinabandhu Sahoo
Director Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable
Development, India

Dr Xana Belastegui Macadam
SR&D Director
IDEN Biotechnology, Spain

Dr Murray B Isman Professor
The University of British Columbia

Dr Nutan Kaushik
Senior Fellow and Area Convenor
TERI, India

Dr Carmen Elisa Díaz Hernández,
Tenured Scientist
ICA, CSIC, Spain

Dr María Fe A. Yeves
Vice Director, CSIC, Spain

Dr Suresh Walia
Former Professor and Principal Scientist
IARI, New Delhi

Dr Raimundo Cabrera Pérez
Professor ICA, CSIC, Spain

Dr Kirsten Leiss
Head of Applied Herbivore Resistance
Leiden University

Dr Michael Jones
Director, WA State Agricultural Biotechnology Centre, Murdoch University, Australia

Dr Pulok K. Mukherjee
Director, School of Natural Product Studies Jadavpur University, Kolkata

Dr Rashmi Sharma
Scientist E, DST, Ministry of Science & Technology, India

Dr David Lapuente Pinilla
BIOVEGEN. Spanish Technology Platform for Plant Biotechnology
Madrid. Spain

Dr Ma Francisca Vicente
Area Head, Screening & Target Validation Fundación MEDINA, Spain
Get an opportunity to present your work, exchange ideas and network with leading scientists, have a valuable, informative and positive experience by meeting various stakeholders in the field of plant and microbial biotechnology.
Who Should Attend
- Presentation of key findings of your research and show your innovative ideas
- Stay updated about new and recent advancements in the field
- A good opportunity to network with your peers and cross-fertilization of ideas
- Principal investigators can look for ideas to take back to their lab
- Networking opportunities
- Chance to meet and evaluate future Ph.D and Post-Doctoral candidates
Industry Professionals
- Advertise and flash your products and services
- Interaction with participants to promote your services and products
- Opportunity to network with academia and researchers
Early career researchers
- Present your work and get feedback from international experts
- Update your knowledge about new and recent advancements in the field
- Bring yourselves to the attention and stand apart from the crowd of other researchers
- Meet potential postdoctoral supervisors or employers
- Start to build relationships with other researchers in the field
- Know what's current in your field of research,
- A chance to explore your field outside of your laboratories and to gain presentation skills in your scientific training
- Present your research ideas through posters presentation
- Update your knowledge about new and recent advancements in the field
- Get an inside look at some of the systems in which you must compete to advance toward your career goals
- Grow a network of friends, acquaintances, and peers beyond your own college or university
Companies are invited by Organizers of ISNPMP-2016 to join hands by providing sponsorship for the Symposium. Each Sponsor company will be provided with one complementary registration and an opportunity to present about the new processes which your company has developed in the relevant session of the Symposium.
Abstract Submission
Participants interested to present paper/poster can submit abstracts by 10th February 2016 related to any of the symposium topics listed. The abstract should comprise a maximum of 300 words in a Word document using the guidelines mentioned below. Please send the abstracts to: or submit online via website. As the abstracts will be published as received, please follow the guidelines for abstract submission.
Guidelines for abstract submission
- Title in bold letters, capitalized titles using 14 pt ‘Times New Roman’ font
- Names of authors (speaker’s name underlined); address (es) with details of authors’ affiliations and the speaker’s e-mail
- Body text on A4 sheet with a margin of 3 cm on the top, 2 cm at the bottom, and 2.5 cm on the right and left.
- The abstract should be formatted using ‘Times New Roman’ font throughout, single spaced paragraphs, and 12 pt type for the body text
- Word limit for the abstract is 300 words.
- Once the abstract is submitted, changes, corrections or rewarding is possible only until deadline of abstract submission (10th Februray, 2016).
Abstracts will be selected for oral or poster presentation by the organizers.
Abstract submission has been closed for ISNPMP 2016.
For further assistance related to this, please contact the organizers at /
For Further Information
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
Darbari Seth Block, India Habitat Centre
Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003
Phone: 91-11-24682100/ 24682111
Mobile: 09811392249
Fax: 91-11-24682144/24682145
Email: /
Investigadora Científica, CSIC
Instituto de Ciencias Agrarias (ICA), CSIC
Serrano 115-dpdo.
28006 Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 917452500 (ext. 950711)